Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Medical Marijuana and Mirgraines

Asoflate, the debate around medical marijuana has intensified. In part, I think this has todowith abilityofpeopleto easily share information using the internet. In this case, the ability of migraine sufferers to share information about their conditions has actually lead to the (re)discovery of arguably the most effective treatment of migraines.
Migraines are difficult to treat because it is not entirely known what causes them. The only way to treat them is to try to prevent them, and then mitigating the symptoms. Migraines are treating with a variety of drugs some of which (ergot for example) have some pretty serious side effects.
Enter the word wide web.
A migraine sufferer (awesomely enough the actual term is "migraineur") tried smoking pot, found out that not only did the headaches and nausea go away, but the migraines showed up less often. Other migraine sufferers tried it, and it worked. Informal sharing of information created a new treatment alternative.
Actually up until 1942 (even after cannabis was declared illegal) it was considered the most effective treatment for migraines. With the mass fear of beatniks and hippies, Cannabis was dropped from the pharmacopeia. It is only within the last 20 years that the medical community is even considering cannabis as a treatmentformigraines.

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