Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Future of Virtual Worlds?

The other day, my roommate showed me possibly the coolest digital marketing campaign I've ever seen. General Electric is trying to promote themselves as a "green" company by showcasing their "smart-grid" technology. Based on our class reading on market research, I would guess that GE is targeting early adopters.
The GE website enables you to hold a "hologram' of the smart grid in you hands. first you print out a piece of paper with a specific pattern. then you put it in front of you web-cam, and the pattern is recognized by your computer, and turns into a 3-d representation of the smart-grid. By moving the paper around, you can move the image of the smart-grid and view it from all angles.
My first thought on seeing this would be the possible application of this technology to virtual worlds like Second life. Imagine how much easier it would be to navigate in Second Life, if you could control your avatar by moving an object in real-space. Possibly, this could be combined with facial recognition technology to have an avatar's facial expressions correspond to real-time facial movements. Of course, this might just exacerbate the latency problems.

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